The stage is already being prepared for the new scenario that arises after the perimeter closure of the Valencian Community declines and the consequent opening of mobility with the rest of the national territories. Benidorm is characterized by the low incidence in terms of the pandemic with respect to the rest of the country's destinations. This is demonstrated by the latest study, having an incidence 5 times lower than the rest of the country, through a safe corridor to the Costa Blanca. All this thanks to the measures and protocols taken not only by the Benidorm authorities, but also by each and every one of its companies and establishments throughout the year.
According to experts Benidorm behaves "like an island" where tourists enjoy the town and once they are in the municipality, they do not travel to the rest of the country. So "the Valencian Community can be classified as 'green' in the next review of tourist destinations".
The latest data transferred correspond to May 10, when the cumulative incidence of the last 14 days was 29.8 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, well below those registered in Alicante (31.2), Valencia (33.5) , Castellón (60.8), Comunitat Valenciana (35.6), Balearic Islands (58.4), Canary Islands (85.8), Spain (189) or United Kingdom (45).
The authorities and tourist platforms in Benidorm have proceeded to transfer the accumulated incidence data and try to divide the tourist destinations for the "traffic light". From where a campaign has also been launched so that the British know the good situation of the city in terms of health security is concerned. Thus, this week they have sent a statement to the national media to report on the city's data in relation to the results of the management of the pandemic. In addition, the Benidorm City Council is still waiting for the United Kingdom ambassador to Spain to receive them to explain the situation.
The mayor of Benidorm has stressed that "for days Benidorm has been prepared for the new situation that derives from the fall of the perimeter closure and the new opening hours dictated by the Generalitat." "We are also prepared to receive tourists from other points of the Spanish geography, because Benidorm has been configured since the beginning of the pandemic as a safe destination ", and added that" the city has services, also in terms of security, dimensioned well above the registered population and even the one that can be received these days ”.
There has also been an impact on the exemplary behavior that the citizens and the business fabric of Benidorm have had throughout the pandemic, which has always scrupulously respected the health measures and guidelines in force at all times.
(Sources: AlicantePlaza / ElPeriòdic)
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